package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time" ) var ( listenFlag string storageFlag string ) func main() { flag.StringVar(&listenFlag, "listen", "", "Address to listen on") flag.StringVar(&storageFlag, "storage", "", "Path site files are stored in") flag.Parse() if listenFlag == "" { log.Fatal("[SiteHosting] Missing listen flag") } if storageFlag == "" { log.Fatal("[SiteHosting] Missing storage flag") } _, err := os.Stat(storageFlag) if err != nil { log.Fatal("[SiteHosting] Failed to stat storage path, does the directory exist? Error: ", err) } storageFs := afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), storageFlag) liveConf := config.New(storageFs) uploadHandler := upload.New(storageFs, liveConf) serveHandler := serve.New(storageFs, liveConf) router := httprouter.New() router.POST("/u/:site", uploadHandler.Handle) router.GET("/", serveHandler.Handle) srv := &http.Server{ Addr: listenFlag, Handler: router, } log.Printf("[SiteHosting] Starting server on: '%s'\n", srv.Addr) go func() { err := srv.ListenAndServe() if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { log.Printf("[SiteHosting] The http server shutdown successfully\n") } else { log.Printf("[SiteHosting] Error trying to host the http server: %s\n", err.Error()) } } }() exit_reload.ExitReload("SiteHosting", func() { }, func() { }) exitSig := make(chan struct{}, 1) scReload := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(scReload, syscall.SIGHUP) go func() { for { select { case <-exitSig: case <-scReload: } } }() // Wait for exit signal sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sc close(exitSig) fmt.Println() // Stop server log.Printf("[SiteHosting] Stopping...") n := time.Now() // close http server _ = srv.Close() log.Printf("[SiteHosting] Took '%s' to shutdown\n", time.Now().Sub(n)) log.Println("[SiteHosting] Goodbye") }