Till e449d174cc
Add possibility to run complement with coverage enabled (#2901)
This adds the possibility to run Complement with coverage enabled.
In combination with we
should then be able to extract the coverage logs, combine them with (or similar) and upload them to
Codecov (with different flags, depending on SQLite, HTTP etc.)
2022-12-23 14:28:15 +01:00

56 lines
2.7 KiB

# A local development Complement dockerfile, to be used with host mounts
# /cache -> Contains the entire dendrite code at Dockerfile build time. Builds binaries but only keeps the generate-* ones. Pre-compilation saves time.
# /dendrite -> Host-mounted sources
# /runtime -> Binaries and config go here and are run at runtime
# At runtime, dendrite is built from /dendrite and run in /runtime.
# Use these mounts to make use of this dockerfile:
# COMPLEMENT_HOST_MOUNTS='/your/local/dendrite:/dendrite:ro;/your/go/path:/go:ro'
FROM golang:1.18-stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sqlite3
EXPOSE 8008 8448
WORKDIR /runtime
# This script compiles Dendrite for us.
RUN echo '\
#!/bin/bash -eux \n\
if test -f "/runtime/dendrite-monolith-server" && test -f "/runtime/dendrite-monolith-server-cover"; then \n\
echo "Skipping compilation; binaries exist" \n\
exit 0 \n\
fi \n\
cd /dendrite \n\
go build -v -o /runtime /dendrite/cmd/dendrite-monolith-server \n\
go test -c -cover -covermode=atomic -o /runtime/dendrite-monolith-server-cover -coverpkg "" /dendrite/cmd/dendrite-monolith-server \n\
' > && chmod +x
# This script runs Dendrite for us. Must be run in the /runtime directory.
RUN echo '\
#!/bin/bash -eu \n\
./generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem \n\
./generate-keys -keysize 1024 --server $SERVER_NAME --tls-cert server.crt --tls-key server.key --tls-authority-cert /complement/ca/ca.crt --tls-authority-key /complement/ca/ca.key \n\
./generate-config -server $SERVER_NAME --ci > dendrite.yaml \n\
cp /complement/ca/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ && update-ca-certificates \n\
[ ${COVER} -eq 1 ] && exec ./dendrite-monolith-server-cover --test.coverprofile=integrationcover.log --really-enable-open-registration --tls-cert server.crt --tls-key server.key --config dendrite.yaml \n\
exec ./dendrite-monolith-server --really-enable-open-registration --tls-cert server.crt --tls-key server.key --config dendrite.yaml \n\
' > && chmod +x
WORKDIR /cache
# Build the monolith in /cache - we won't actually use this but will rely on build artifacts to speed
# up the real compilation. Build the generate-* binaries in the true /runtime locations.
# If the generate-* source is changed, this dockerfile needs re-running.
RUN --mount=target=. \
--mount=type=cache,target=/go/pkg/mod \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \
go build -o /runtime ./cmd/generate-config && \
go build -o /runtime ./cmd/generate-keys
WORKDIR /runtime
CMD /runtime/ && exec /runtime/