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synced 2025-03-13 23:53:10 +00:00
Since we're now listening on the `OutputRoomEvent` stream, we are able to store messages stats.
522 lines
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522 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sqlite3
import (
const userDailyVisitsSchema = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS userapi_daily_visits (
localpart TEXT NOT NULL,
device_id TEXT NOT NULL,
timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL,
user_agent TEXT
-- Device IDs and timestamp must be unique for a given user per day
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS userapi_daily_visits_localpart_device_timestamp_idx ON userapi_daily_visits(localpart, device_id, timestamp);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS userapi_daily_visits_timestamp_idx ON userapi_daily_visits(timestamp);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS userapi_daily_visits_localpart_timestamp_idx ON userapi_daily_visits(localpart, timestamp);
const messagesDailySchema = `
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS userapi_daily_stats (
timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL,
server_name TEXT NOT NULL,
sent_messages BIGINT NOT NULL,
e2ee_messages BIGINT NOT NULL,
sent_e2ee_messages BIGINT NOT NULL,
active_rooms BIGINT NOT NULL,
active_e2ee_rooms BIGINT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT daily_stats_unique UNIQUE (timestamp, server_name)
const upsertDailyMessagesSQL = `
INSERT INTO userapi_daily_stats (timestamp, server_name, messages, sent_messages, e2ee_messages, sent_e2ee_messages, active_rooms, active_e2ee_rooms)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) ON CONFLICT (timestamp, server_name)
messages=messages+excluded.messages, sent_messages=sent_messages+excluded.sent_messages,
e2ee_messages=e2ee_messages+excluded.e2ee_messages, sent_e2ee_messages=sent_e2ee_messages+excluded.sent_e2ee_messages,
active_rooms=MAX($7, active_rooms), active_e2ee_rooms=MAX($8, active_e2ee_rooms)
const selectDailyMessagesSQL = `
SELECT messages, sent_messages, e2ee_messages, sent_e2ee_messages, active_rooms, active_e2ee_rooms
FROM userapi_daily_stats
WHERE server_name = $1 AND timestamp = $2;
const countUsersLastSeenAfterSQL = "" +
" SELECT localpart FROM userapi_devices WHERE last_seen_ts > $1 " +
" GROUP BY localpart" +
" ) u"
// Note on the following countR30UsersSQL and countR30UsersV2SQL: The different checks are intentional.
// This is to ensure the values reported by Dendrite are the same as by Synapse.
// Queries are taken from: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/9ce51a47f6e37abd0a1275281806399d874eb026/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
R30Users counts the number of 30 day retained users, defined as:
- Users who have created their accounts more than 30 days ago
- Where last seen at most 30 days ago
- Where account creation and last_seen are > 30 days apart
const countR30UsersSQL = `
SELECT platform, COUNT(*) FROM (
SELECT users.localpart, platform, users.created_ts, MAX(uip.last_seen_ts)
FROM userapi_accounts users
localpart, last_seen_ts,
WHEN user_agent LIKE '%%Android%%' THEN 'android'
WHEN user_agent LIKE '%%iOS%%' THEN 'ios'
WHEN user_agent LIKE '%%Electron%%' THEN 'electron'
WHEN user_agent LIKE '%%Mozilla%%' THEN 'web'
WHEN user_agent LIKE '%%Gecko%%' THEN 'web'
ELSE 'unknown'
AS platform
FROM userapi_devices
) uip
ON users.localpart = uip.localpart
AND users.account_type <> 4
AND users.created_ts < $1
AND uip.last_seen_ts > $2
AND (uip.last_seen_ts) - users.created_ts > $3
GROUP BY users.localpart, platform, users.created_ts
// Note on the following countR30UsersSQL and countR30UsersV2SQL: The different checks are intentional.
// This is to ensure the values reported are the same as Synapse reports.
// Queries are taken from: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/9ce51a47f6e37abd0a1275281806399d874eb026/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
R30UsersV2 counts the number of 30 day retained users, defined as users that:
- Appear more than once in the past 60 days
- Have more than 30 days between the most and least recent appearances that occurred in the past 60 days.
const countR30UsersV2SQL = `
LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%riot%%' OR
LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%element%%'
WHEN LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%electron%%' THEN 'electron'
WHEN LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%android%%' THEN 'android'
WHEN LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%ios%%' THEN 'ios'
ELSE 'unknown'
WHEN LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%mozilla%%' OR LOWER(user_agent) LIKE '%%gecko%%' THEN 'web'
ELSE 'unknown'
END as client_type
FROM userapi_daily_visits
WHERE timestamp > $1 AND timestamp < $2
GROUP BY localpart, client_type
HAVING max(timestamp) - min(timestamp) > $3
) AS temp
GROUP BY client_type
const countUserByAccountTypeSQL = `
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userapi_accounts WHERE account_type IN ($1)
// $1 = Guest AccountType
// $3 & $4 = All non guest AccountType IDs
const countRegisteredUserByTypeSQL = `
SELECT user_type, COUNT(*) AS count FROM (
WHEN account_type IN ($1) AND appservice_id IS NULL THEN 'native'
WHEN account_type = $4 AND appservice_id IS NULL THEN 'guest'
WHEN account_type IN ($5) AND appservice_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'bridged'
END AS user_type
FROM userapi_accounts
WHERE created_ts > $8
) AS t GROUP BY user_type
// account_type 1 = users; 3 = admins
const updateUserDailyVisitsSQL = `
INSERT INTO userapi_daily_visits(localpart, device_id, timestamp, user_agent)
SELECT u.localpart, u.device_id, $1, MAX(u.user_agent)
FROM userapi_devices AS u
SELECT localpart, device_id, timestamp FROM userapi_daily_visits
WHERE timestamp = $1
) udv
ON u.localpart = udv.localpart AND u.device_id = udv.device_id
INNER JOIN userapi_devices d ON d.localpart = u.localpart
INNER JOIN userapi_accounts a ON a.localpart = u.localpart
WHERE $2 <= d.last_seen_ts AND d.last_seen_ts < $3
AND a.account_type in (1, 3)
GROUP BY u.localpart, u.device_id
ON CONFLICT (localpart, device_id, timestamp) DO NOTHING
const queryDBEngineVersion = "select sqlite_version();"
type statsStatements struct {
serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName
db *sql.DB
lastUpdate time.Time
countUsersLastSeenAfterStmt *sql.Stmt
countR30UsersStmt *sql.Stmt
countR30UsersV2Stmt *sql.Stmt
updateUserDailyVisitsStmt *sql.Stmt
countUserByAccountTypeStmt *sql.Stmt
countRegisteredUserByTypeStmt *sql.Stmt
dbEngineVersionStmt *sql.Stmt
upsertMessagesStmt *sql.Stmt
selectDailyMessagesStmt *sql.Stmt
func NewSQLiteStatsTable(db *sql.DB, serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName) (tables.StatsTable, error) {
s := &statsStatements{
serverName: serverName,
lastUpdate: time.Now(),
db: db,
_, err := db.Exec(userDailyVisitsSchema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = db.Exec(messagesDailySchema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go s.startTimers()
return s, sqlutil.StatementList{
{&s.countUsersLastSeenAfterStmt, countUsersLastSeenAfterSQL},
{&s.countR30UsersStmt, countR30UsersSQL},
{&s.countR30UsersV2Stmt, countR30UsersV2SQL},
{&s.updateUserDailyVisitsStmt, updateUserDailyVisitsSQL},
{&s.countUserByAccountTypeStmt, countUserByAccountTypeSQL},
{&s.countRegisteredUserByTypeStmt, countRegisteredUserByTypeSQL},
{&s.dbEngineVersionStmt, queryDBEngineVersion},
{&s.upsertMessagesStmt, upsertDailyMessagesSQL},
{&s.selectDailyMessagesStmt, selectDailyMessagesSQL},
func (s *statsStatements) startTimers() {
var updateStatsFunc func()
updateStatsFunc = func() {
logrus.Infof("Executing UpdateUserDailyVisits")
if err := s.UpdateUserDailyVisits(context.Background(), nil, time.Now(), s.lastUpdate); err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Error("failed to update daily user visits")
time.AfterFunc(time.Hour*3, updateStatsFunc)
time.AfterFunc(time.Minute*5, updateStatsFunc)
func (s *statsStatements) allUsers(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (result int64, err error) {
query := strings.Replace(countUserByAccountTypeSQL, "($1)", sqlutil.QueryVariadic(4), 1)
queryStmt, err := s.db.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, queryStmt)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx,
1, 2, 3, 4,
func (s *statsStatements) nonBridgedUsers(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (result int64, err error) {
query := strings.Replace(countUserByAccountTypeSQL, "($1)", sqlutil.QueryVariadic(3), 1)
queryStmt, err := s.db.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, queryStmt)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx,
1, 2, 3,
func (s *statsStatements) registeredUserByType(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (map[string]int64, error) {
// $1 = Guest AccountType; $2 = timestamp
// $3 & $4 = All non guest AccountType IDs
nonGuests := []api.AccountType{api.AccountTypeUser, api.AccountTypeAdmin, api.AccountTypeAppService}
countSQL := strings.Replace(countRegisteredUserByTypeSQL, "($1)", sqlutil.QueryVariadicOffset(len(nonGuests), 0), 1)
countSQL = strings.Replace(countSQL, "($5)", sqlutil.QueryVariadicOffset(len(nonGuests), 1+len(nonGuests)), 1)
queryStmt, err := s.db.Prepare(countSQL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, queryStmt)
registeredAfter := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -30)
params := make([]interface{}, len(nonGuests)*2+2)
// nonGuests is used twice
for i, v := range nonGuests {
params[i] = v // i: 0 1 2 => ($1, $2, $3)
params[i+1+len(nonGuests)] = v // i: 4 5 6 => ($5, $6, $7)
params[3] = api.AccountTypeGuest // $4
params[7] = gomatrixserverlib.AsTimestamp(registeredAfter) // $8
rows, err := stmt.QueryContext(ctx, params...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer internal.CloseAndLogIfError(ctx, rows, "RegisteredUserByType: failed to close rows")
var userType string
var count int64
var result = make(map[string]int64)
for rows.Next() {
if err = rows.Scan(&userType, &count); err != nil {
return nil, err
result[userType] = count
return result, rows.Err()
func (s *statsStatements) dailyUsers(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (result int64, err error) {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.countUsersLastSeenAfterStmt)
lastSeenAfter := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx,
func (s *statsStatements) monthlyUsers(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (result int64, err error) {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.countUsersLastSeenAfterStmt)
lastSeenAfter := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -30)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx,
// R30Users counts the number of 30 day retained users, defined as:
// - Users who have created their accounts more than 30 days ago
// - Where last seen at most 30 days ago
// - Where account creation and last_seen are > 30 days apart
func (s *statsStatements) r30Users(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (map[string]int64, error) {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.countR30UsersStmt)
lastSeenAfter := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -30)
diff := time.Hour * 24 * 30
rows, err := stmt.QueryContext(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer internal.CloseAndLogIfError(ctx, rows, "R30Users: failed to close rows")
var platform string
var count int64
var result = make(map[string]int64)
for rows.Next() {
if err = rows.Scan(&platform, &count); err != nil {
return nil, err
if platform == "unknown" {
result["all"] += count
result[platform] = count
return result, rows.Err()
R30UsersV2 counts the number of 30 day retained users, defined as users that:
- Appear more than once in the past 60 days
- Have more than 30 days between the most and least recent appearances that occurred in the past 60 days.
func (s *statsStatements) r30UsersV2(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (map[string]int64, error) {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.countR30UsersV2Stmt)
sixtyDaysAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -60)
diff := time.Hour * 24 * 30
tomorrow := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24)
rows, err := stmt.QueryContext(ctx,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer internal.CloseAndLogIfError(ctx, rows, "R30UsersV2: failed to close rows")
var platform string
var count int64
var result = map[string]int64{
"ios": 0,
"android": 0,
"web": 0,
"electron": 0,
"all": 0,
for rows.Next() {
if err = rows.Scan(&platform, &count); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := result[platform]; !ok {
result["all"] += count
result[platform] = count
return result, rows.Err()
// UserStatistics collects some information about users on this instance.
// Returns the stats itself as well as the database engine version and type.
// On error, returns the stats collected up to the error.
func (s *statsStatements) UserStatistics(ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx) (*types.UserStatistics, *types.DatabaseEngine, error) {
var (
stats = &types.UserStatistics{
R30UsersV2: map[string]int64{
"ios": 0,
"android": 0,
"web": 0,
"electron": 0,
"all": 0,
R30Users: map[string]int64{},
RegisteredUsersByType: map[string]int64{},
dbEngine = &types.DatabaseEngine{Engine: "SQLite", Version: "unknown"}
err error
stats.AllUsers, err = s.allUsers(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.DailyUsers, err = s.dailyUsers(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.MonthlyUsers, err = s.monthlyUsers(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.R30Users, err = s.r30Users(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.R30UsersV2, err = s.r30UsersV2(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.NonBridgedUsers, err = s.nonBridgedUsers(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stats.RegisteredUsersByType, err = s.registeredUserByType(ctx, txn)
if err != nil {
return stats, dbEngine, err
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.dbEngineVersionStmt)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx).Scan(&dbEngine.Version)
return stats, dbEngine, err
func (s *statsStatements) UpdateUserDailyVisits(
ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx,
startTime, lastUpdate time.Time,
) error {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.updateUserDailyVisitsStmt)
startTime = startTime.Truncate(time.Hour * 24)
// edge case
if startTime.After(s.lastUpdate) {
startTime = startTime.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx,
if err == nil {
s.lastUpdate = time.Now()
return err
func (s *statsStatements) UpsertDailyStats(
ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx,
serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName, stats types.MessageStats,
activeRooms, activeE2EERooms int64,
) error {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.upsertMessagesStmt)
timestamp := time.Now().Truncate(time.Hour * 24)
_, err := stmt.ExecContext(ctx,
stats.Messages, stats.SentMessages, stats.MessagesE2EE, stats.SentMessagesE2EE,
activeRooms, activeE2EERooms,
return err
func (s *statsStatements) DailyRoomsMessages(
ctx context.Context, txn *sql.Tx,
serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName,
) (msgStats types.MessageStats, activeRooms, activeE2EERooms int64, err error) {
stmt := sqlutil.TxStmt(txn, s.selectDailyMessagesStmt)
timestamp := time.Now().Truncate(time.Hour * 24)
err = stmt.QueryRowContext(ctx, serverName, gomatrixserverlib.AsTimestamp(timestamp)).
Scan(&msgStats.Messages, &msgStats.SentMessages, &msgStats.MessagesE2EE, &msgStats.SentMessagesE2EE, &activeRooms, &activeE2EERooms)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return msgStats, 0, 0, err
return msgStats, activeRooms, activeE2EERooms, nil