kegsay 6de29c1cd2
bugfix: E2EE device keys could sometimes not be sent to remote servers (#2466)
* Fix flakey sytest 'Local device key changes get to remote servers'

* Debug logs

* Remove internal/test and use /test only

Remove a lot of ancient code too.

* Use FederationRoomserverAPI in more places

* Use more interfaces in federationapi; begin adding regression test

* Linting

* Add regression test

* Unbreak tests


* Fix a race condition which could cause events to not be sent to servers

If a new room event which rewrites state arrives, we remove all joined hosts
then re-calculate them. This wasn't done in a transaction so for a brief period
we would have no joined hosts. During this interim, key change events which arrive
would not be sent to destination servers. This would sporadically fail on sytest.

* Unbreak new tests

* Linting
2022-05-17 13:23:35 +01:00

589 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package routing
import (
federationAPI ""
fedInternal ""
keyserverAPI ""
roomserverAPI ""
userapi ""
// Setup registers HTTP handlers with the given ServeMux.
// The provided publicAPIMux MUST have `UseEncodedPath()` enabled or else routes will incorrectly
// path unescape twice (once from the router, once from MakeFedAPI). We need to have this enabled
// so we can decode paths like foo/bar%2Fbaz as [foo, bar/baz] - by default it will decode to [foo, bar, baz]
// Due to Setup being used to call many other functions, a gocyclo nolint is
// applied:
// nolint: gocyclo
func Setup(
fedMux, keyMux, wkMux *mux.Router,
cfg *config.FederationAPI,
rsAPI roomserverAPI.FederationRoomserverAPI,
fsAPI *fedInternal.FederationInternalAPI,
keys gomatrixserverlib.JSONVerifier,
federation federationAPI.FederationClient,
userAPI userapi.FederationUserAPI,
keyAPI keyserverAPI.FederationKeyAPI,
mscCfg *config.MSCs,
servers federationAPI.ServersInRoomProvider,
producer *producers.SyncAPIProducer,
) {
pduCountTotal, eduCountTotal,
v2keysmux := keyMux.PathPrefix("/v2").Subrouter()
v1fedmux := fedMux.PathPrefix("/v1").Subrouter()
v2fedmux := fedMux.PathPrefix("/v2").Subrouter()
wakeup := &FederationWakeups{
localKeys := httputil.MakeExternalAPI("localkeys", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return LocalKeys(cfg)
notaryKeys := httputil.MakeExternalAPI("notarykeys", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
vars, err := httputil.URLDecodeMapValues(mux.Vars(req))
if err != nil {
return util.ErrorResponse(err)
var pkReq *gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyNotaryLookupRequest
serverName := gomatrixserverlib.ServerName(vars["serverName"])
keyID := gomatrixserverlib.KeyID(vars["keyID"])
if serverName != "" && keyID != "" {
pkReq = &gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyNotaryLookupRequest{
ServerKeys: map[gomatrixserverlib.ServerName]map[gomatrixserverlib.KeyID]gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria{
serverName: {
keyID: gomatrixserverlib.PublicKeyNotaryQueryCriteria{},
return NotaryKeys(req, cfg, fsAPI, pkReq)
if cfg.Matrix.WellKnownServerName != "" {
logrus.Infof("Setting m.server as %s at /.well-known/matrix/server", cfg.Matrix.WellKnownServerName)
wkMux.Handle("/server", httputil.MakeExternalAPI("wellknown", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusOK,
JSON: struct {
ServerName string `json:"m.server"`
ServerName: cfg.Matrix.WellKnownServerName,
).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodOptions)
// Ignore the {keyID} argument as we only have a single server key so we always
// return that key.
// Even if we had more than one server key, we would probably still ignore the
// {keyID} argument and always return a response containing all of the keys.
v2keysmux.Handle("/server/{keyID}", localKeys).Methods(http.MethodGet)
v2keysmux.Handle("/server/", localKeys).Methods(http.MethodGet)
v2keysmux.Handle("/server", localKeys).Methods(http.MethodGet)
v2keysmux.Handle("/query", notaryKeys).Methods(http.MethodPost)
v2keysmux.Handle("/query/{serverName}/{keyID}", notaryKeys).Methods(http.MethodGet)
mu := internal.NewMutexByRoom()
v1fedmux.Handle("/send/{txnID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_send", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return Send(
httpReq, request, gomatrixserverlib.TransactionID(vars["txnID"]),
cfg, rsAPI, keyAPI, keys, federation, mu, servers, producer,
)).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions)
v1fedmux.Handle("/invite/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_invite", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return InviteV1(
httpReq, request, vars["roomID"], vars["eventID"],
cfg, rsAPI, keys,
)).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions)
v2fedmux.Handle("/invite/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_invite", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return InviteV2(
httpReq, request, vars["roomID"], vars["eventID"],
cfg, rsAPI, keys,
)).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions)
v1fedmux.Handle("/3pid/onbind", httputil.MakeExternalAPI("3pid_onbind",
func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return CreateInvitesFrom3PIDInvites(req, rsAPI, cfg, federation, userAPI)
)).Methods(http.MethodPost, http.MethodOptions)
v1fedmux.Handle("/exchange_third_party_invite/{roomID}", MakeFedAPI(
"exchange_third_party_invite", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return ExchangeThirdPartyInvite(
httpReq, request, vars["roomID"], rsAPI, cfg, federation,
)).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodOptions)
v1fedmux.Handle("/event/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_get_event", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return GetEvent(
httpReq.Context(), request, rsAPI, vars["eventID"], cfg.Matrix.ServerName,
v1fedmux.Handle("/state/{roomID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_get_state", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return GetState(
httpReq.Context(), request, rsAPI, vars["roomID"],
v1fedmux.Handle("/state_ids/{roomID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_get_state_ids", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return GetStateIDs(
httpReq.Context(), request, rsAPI, vars["roomID"],
v1fedmux.Handle("/event_auth/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_get_event_auth", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return GetEventAuth(
httpReq.Context(), request, rsAPI, vars["roomID"], vars["eventID"],
v1fedmux.Handle("/query/directory", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_query_room_alias", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return RoomAliasToID(
httpReq, federation, cfg, rsAPI, fsAPI,
v1fedmux.Handle("/query/profile", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_query_profile", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return GetProfile(
httpReq, userAPI, cfg,
v1fedmux.Handle("/user/devices/{userID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_user_devices", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return GetUserDevices(
httpReq, keyAPI, vars["userID"],
if mscCfg.Enabled("msc2444") {
v1fedmux.Handle("/peek/{roomID}/{peekID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_peek", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
peekID := vars["peekID"]
queryVars := httpReq.URL.Query()
remoteVersions := []gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion{}
if vers, ok := queryVars["ver"]; ok {
// The remote side supplied a ?ver= so use that to build up the list
// of supported room versions
for _, v := range vers {
remoteVersions = append(remoteVersions, gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion(v))
} else {
// The remote side didn't supply a ?ver= so just assume that they only
// support room version 1
remoteVersions = append(remoteVersions, gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersionV1)
return Peek(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, roomID, peekID, remoteVersions,
)).Methods(http.MethodPut, http.MethodDelete)
v1fedmux.Handle("/make_join/{roomID}/{userID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_make_join", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
userID := vars["userID"]
queryVars := httpReq.URL.Query()
remoteVersions := []gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion{}
if vers, ok := queryVars["ver"]; ok {
// The remote side supplied a ?ver= so use that to build up the list
// of supported room versions
for _, v := range vers {
remoteVersions = append(remoteVersions, gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersion(v))
} else {
// The remote side didn't supply a ?ver= so just assume that they only
// support room version 1, as per the spec
remoteVersions = append(remoteVersions, gomatrixserverlib.RoomVersionV1)
return MakeJoin(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, roomID, userID, remoteVersions,
v1fedmux.Handle("/send_join/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_send_join", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
eventID := vars["eventID"]
res := SendJoin(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, keys, roomID, eventID,
// not all responses get wrapped in [code, body]
var body interface{}
body = []interface{}{
res.Code, res.JSON,
jerr, ok := res.JSON.(*jsonerror.MatrixError)
if ok {
body = jerr
return util.JSONResponse{
Headers: res.Headers,
Code: res.Code,
JSON: body,
v2fedmux.Handle("/send_join/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_send_join", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
eventID := vars["eventID"]
return SendJoin(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, keys, roomID, eventID,
v1fedmux.Handle("/make_leave/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_make_leave", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
eventID := vars["eventID"]
return MakeLeave(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, roomID, eventID,
v1fedmux.Handle("/send_leave/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_send_leave", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
eventID := vars["eventID"]
res := SendLeave(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, keys, roomID, eventID,
// not all responses get wrapped in [code, body]
var body interface{}
body = []interface{}{
res.Code, res.JSON,
jerr, ok := res.JSON.(*jsonerror.MatrixError)
if ok {
body = jerr
return util.JSONResponse{
Headers: res.Headers,
Code: res.Code,
JSON: body,
v2fedmux.Handle("/send_leave/{roomID}/{eventID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_send_leave", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
roomID := vars["roomID"]
eventID := vars["eventID"]
return SendLeave(
httpReq, request, cfg, rsAPI, keys, roomID, eventID,
v1fedmux.Handle("/version", httputil.MakeExternalAPI(
func(httpReq *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return Version()
v1fedmux.Handle("/get_missing_events/{roomID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_get_missing_events", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return GetMissingEvents(httpReq, request, rsAPI, vars["roomID"])
v1fedmux.Handle("/backfill/{roomID}", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_backfill", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
if roomserverAPI.IsServerBannedFromRoom(httpReq.Context(), rsAPI, vars["roomID"], request.Origin()) {
return util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
JSON: jsonerror.Forbidden("Forbidden by server ACLs"),
return Backfill(httpReq, request, rsAPI, vars["roomID"], cfg)
httputil.MakeExternalAPI("federation_public_rooms", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return GetPostPublicRooms(req, rsAPI)
).Methods(http.MethodGet, http.MethodPost)
v1fedmux.Handle("/user/keys/claim", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_keys_claim", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return ClaimOneTimeKeys(httpReq, request, keyAPI, cfg.Matrix.ServerName)
v1fedmux.Handle("/user/keys/query", MakeFedAPI(
"federation_keys_query", cfg.Matrix.ServerName, keys, wakeup,
func(httpReq *http.Request, request *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, vars map[string]string) util.JSONResponse {
return QueryDeviceKeys(httpReq, request, keyAPI, cfg.Matrix.ServerName)
httputil.MakeExternalAPI("federation_openid_userinfo", func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
return GetOpenIDUserInfo(req, userAPI)
func ErrorIfLocalServerNotInRoom(
ctx context.Context,
rsAPI api.FederationRoomserverAPI,
roomID string,
) *util.JSONResponse {
// Check if we think we're in this room. If we aren't then
// we won't waste CPU cycles serving this request.
joinedReq := &api.QueryServerJoinedToRoomRequest{
RoomID: roomID,
joinedRes := &api.QueryServerJoinedToRoomResponse{}
if err := rsAPI.QueryServerJoinedToRoom(ctx, joinedReq, joinedRes); err != nil {
res := util.ErrorResponse(err)
return &res
if !joinedRes.IsInRoom {
return &util.JSONResponse{
Code: http.StatusNotFound,
JSON: jsonerror.NotFound(fmt.Sprintf("This server is not joined to room %s", roomID)),
return nil
// MakeFedAPI makes an http.Handler that checks matrix federation authentication.
func MakeFedAPI(
metricsName string,
serverName gomatrixserverlib.ServerName,
keyRing gomatrixserverlib.JSONVerifier,
wakeup *FederationWakeups,
f func(*http.Request, *gomatrixserverlib.FederationRequest, map[string]string) util.JSONResponse,
) http.Handler {
h := func(req *http.Request) util.JSONResponse {
fedReq, errResp := gomatrixserverlib.VerifyHTTPRequest(
req, time.Now(), serverName, keyRing,
if fedReq == nil {
return errResp
// add the user to Sentry, if enabled
hub := sentry.GetHubFromContext(req.Context())
if hub != nil {
hub.Scope().SetTag("origin", string(fedReq.Origin()))
hub.Scope().SetTag("uri", fedReq.RequestURI())
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if hub != nil {
hub.CaptureException(fmt.Errorf("%s panicked", req.URL.Path))
// re-panic to return the 500
go wakeup.Wakeup(req.Context(), fedReq.Origin())
vars, err := httputil.URLDecodeMapValues(mux.Vars(req))
if err != nil {
return util.MatrixErrorResponse(400, "M_UNRECOGNISED", "badly encoded query params")
jsonRes := f(req, fedReq, vars)
// do not log 4xx as errors as they are client fails, not server fails
if hub != nil && jsonRes.Code >= 500 {
hub.Scope().SetExtra("response", jsonRes)
hub.CaptureException(fmt.Errorf("%s returned HTTP %d", req.URL.Path, jsonRes.Code))
return jsonRes
return httputil.MakeExternalAPI(metricsName, h)
type FederationWakeups struct {
FsAPI *fedInternal.FederationInternalAPI
origins sync.Map
func (f *FederationWakeups) Wakeup(ctx context.Context, origin gomatrixserverlib.ServerName) {
key, keyok :=
if keyok {
lastTime, ok := key.(time.Time)
if ok && time.Since(lastTime) < time.Minute {
f.FsAPI.MarkServersAlive([]gomatrixserverlib.ServerName{origin}), time.Now())