package server import ( "" "" "" "" "" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" ) type UserHandler func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params, auth UserAuth) type UserAuth struct { ID string NeedOtp bool } func (u UserAuth) NextFlowUrl(origin *url.URL) *url.URL { if u.NeedOtp { return PrepareRedirectUrl("/login/otp", origin) } return nil } func (u UserAuth) IsGuest() bool { return u.ID == "" } func (h *HttpServer) RequireAdminAuthentication(next UserHandler) httprouter.Handle { return h.RequireAuthentication(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params, auth UserAuth) { var role types.UserRole if h.DbTx(rw, func(tx *database.Queries) (err error) { role, err = tx.GetUserRole(req.Context(), auth.ID) return }) { return } if role != types.RoleAdmin { http.Error(rw, "403 Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden) return } next(rw, req, params, auth) }) } func (h *HttpServer) RequireAuthentication(next UserHandler) httprouter.Handle { return h.OptionalAuthentication(false, func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params, auth UserAuth) { if auth.IsGuest() { redirectUrl := PrepareRedirectUrl("/login", req.URL) http.Redirect(rw, req, redirectUrl.String(), http.StatusFound) return } next(rw, req, params, auth) }) } func (h *HttpServer) OptionalAuthentication(flowPart bool, next UserHandler) httprouter.Handle { return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params httprouter.Params) { authData, err := h.internalAuthenticationHandler(req) if err == nil { if n := authData.NextFlowUrl(req.URL); n != nil && !flowPart { http.Redirect(rw, req, n.String(), http.StatusFound) return } } next(rw, req, params, authData) } } func (h *HttpServer) internalAuthenticationHandler(req *http.Request) (UserAuth, error) { if loginCookie, err := req.Cookie("tulip-login-data"); err == nil { _, b, err := mjwt.ExtractClaims[auth.AccessTokenClaims](h.signingKey, loginCookie.Value) if err != nil { return UserAuth{}, err } return UserAuth{ID: b.Subject, NeedOtp: b.Claims.Perms.Has("needs-otp")}, nil } // not logged in return UserAuth{}, nil } func PrepareRedirectUrl(targetPath string, origin *url.URL) *url.URL { // find start of query parameters in target path n := strings.IndexByte(targetPath, '?') v := url.Values{} // parse existing query parameters if n != -1 { q, err := url.ParseQuery(targetPath[n+1:]) if err != nil { panic("PrepareRedirectUrl: invalid hardcoded target path query parameters") } v = q targetPath = targetPath[:n] } // add path of origin as a new query parameter orig := origin.Path if origin.RawQuery != "" || origin.ForceQuery { orig += "?" + origin.RawQuery } if orig != "" { v.Set("redirect", orig) } return &url.URL{Path: targetPath, RawQuery: v.Encode()} }