#BSD 3-Clause, (C) Alfred Manville 2022 import networker as net import sys from threading import Thread import traceback translators = (net.PickleTranslate(), net.JSONTranslate()) inter = "" port = 0 translator = None conn = None allowFiles = False log = [] def onConn(addr): log.append(addr + " # Connection Established") def onEnd(addr): log.append(addr + " # Connection Ended") def onRecv(addr, msg): global allowFiles if type(msg) != net.Message: log.append("Invalid Message received from: " + addr) return if msg.mtype == net.MTYPE_Text: log.append(addr + " ; " + str(msg.header) + " ; " + str(msg.content)) elif msg.mtype == net.MTYPE_File: if allowFiles: log.append(addr + " ; " + str(msg.header)) msg.saveContent() else: log.append(addr + " ; File Rejected") else: log.append("Unknown Message type received from: " + addr) def main(): global allowFiles conn = net.Connection((inter, port), translator, onConn, onRecv, onEnd) ct = Thread(target=conn.listener, args=()) ct.start() print("Listener started @ " + inter + ":" + str(port)) print("Format: \"command;ip:port;argument\"") print("Commands: connect, disconnect, list, log, file_allowed, toggle_file_allowed, message, send, help, exit") while conn.active: cmd = input("> ").lower() csplt = cmd.split(";", 2) try: if len(csplt) > 0: if csplt[0] == "list": print(conn.addresses()) continue elif csplt[0] == "help": print("Help:") print("connect;ip:port -- Connects to the specified IP:Port") print("disconnect;ip:port -- Disonnects from the specified IP:Port") print("list -- Lists the available IP:Port connections") print("log -- Gets the message log") print("file_allowed -- Gets if file receiving is allowed") print("toggle_file_allowed -- Toggles if file receiving is allowed") print("message;ip:port;header:body -- Sends a message to the specified IP:Port") print("send;ip:port;path -- Sends a file message to the specified IP:Port") print("help -- Shows this message") print("exit -- Exits this program closing all connections") continue elif csplt[0] == "exit": conn.close() break elif csplt[0] == "log": while len(log) > 0: print(log.pop(0)) continue elif csplt[0] == "file_allowed": print("Receive File Status: " + str(allowFiles)) continue elif csplt[0] == "toggle_file_allowed": allowFiles = not allowFiles print("Receive File Status set to: " + str(allowFiles)) continue if len(csplt) > 1: if csplt[0] == "connect": print("Attempting Connection to: " + csplt[1]) ippsplt = csplt[1].split(":", 1) conn.connect((ippsplt[0], int(ippsplt[1]))) continue elif csplt[0] == "disconnect": print("Attempting Disconnection from: " + csplt[1]) conn.actives[csplt[1]] = False conn.sockets[csplt[1]].close() continue if len(csplt) > 2: if csplt[0] == "message": datasplt = csplt[2].split(":", 1) print("Attempting to send message to: " + csplt[1]) conn.send(csplt[1], net.Message(net.MTYPE_Text, datasplt[0], datasplt[1])) continue elif csplt[0] == "send": print("Attempting to send file to: " + csplt[1]) conn.send(csplt[1], net.Message(net.MTYPE_File, csplt[2], None)) continue print("Invalid Command!") except Exception as e: print("Command Error!") print(traceback.format_exc()) exit if __name__ == "__main__": print("Python Communicator (C) Alfred Manville 2022 BSD-3-Clause") if len(sys.argv) > 1: inter = sys.argv[1] else: inter = input("Enter the listening interface: ") if len(sys.argv) > 2: port = int(sys.argv[2]) else: port = int(input("Enter the listening port: ")) if len(sys.argv) > 3: translator = translators[int(sys.argv[3]) - 1] else: translator = translators[int(input("Enter the message translator position " + str(translators) + " : ")) - 1] main()