local ic = require("internet") local c = require("component") local shell = require("shell") local fs = require("filesystem") local os = require("os") io.write("download Utility (C) Captain ALM 2020 :: BSD 2-Clause\n") if not c.isAvailable("internet") then io.stderr:write("Internet Card Required!\n") return 2 end local i = c.internet if(i == nil or ic == nil) then io.stderr:write("Internet Component/API Required!\n") return 2 end if(not i.isTcpEnabled()) then io.stderr:write("TCP Support Required!\n") return 2 end local args, options = shell.parse(...) local filename = "" local file_parentpath = "" local ipaddress = "" local port = 100 if #args == 0 then io.write("Usage: download ") return elseif #args == 1 then ipaddress = "" port = 100 elseif #args == 2 then ipaddress = args[2] port = 100 elseif #args == 3 then ipaddress = args[2] port = math.floor(math.abs(args[3])) end filename = shell.resolve(args[1]) file_parentpath = fs.path(filename) if fs.exists(file_parentpath) and not fs.isDirectory(file_parentpath) then io.stderr:write("Invalid Folder Path!\n") return 1 end if fs.isDirectory(filename) then io.stderr:write("File is a directory!\n") return 1 elseif not fs.exists(filename) and (fs.get(filename) == nil or fs.get(filename).isReadOnly()) then io.stderr:write("File is read-only!\n") return 1 end function catch(block) return block[1] end function try(block) status, result = pcall(block[1]) if not status then block[2](result) end return result end local function readc(con) local herr = false local data = "" local lout = 0 while ((not herr) and (lout < 50)) do try { function() local tmp = "" tmp = con:read(1) if tmp ~= nil then if tmp ~= "" then data = data..tmp con:setTimeout(0) else lout = lout + 1 end else lout = lout + 1 end end, catch { function(ex) herr = true end } } end lout = 0 if data == "" then data = nil end con:setTimeout(5) return data end local function shandshake(con) print("Sending Handshake...\n") con:write("1") return nil end local function rhandshake(con) local ret = nil try { function() ret = con:read(1) end, catch { function(ex) ret = nil end } } if ret == nil then print("Handshake Not Received!\n") return false else if ret == "" or ret == "0" then print("Handshake Not Received!\n") return false else print("Handshake Received...\n") return true end end end local function rmsg(con) local ret = readc(con) if ret == nil then print("Message Not Received!\n") return nil else print("Message Received!\n") return ret end end print("Opening Connection!\n") local connection = ic.open(ipaddress, port) if connection then try { function() connection:setTimeout(5) shandshake(connection) if not rhandshake(connection) then connection:close() return 1 end shandshake(connection) print("Waiting For Data...\n") local data = rmsg(connection) if data == nil then connection:close() return 1 end print("Writing File...\n") if not fs.exists(file_parentpath) then fs.makeDirectory(file_parentpath) end local f, reason = io.open(filename, "w") if f then f:write(data) f:flush() f:close() else print("File Write Failed!\n") connection:close() return 1 end shandshake(connection) end, catch { function(ex) io.stderr:write("Error Caught: "..ex..".\n") end } } ::ci:: print("Terminating...\n") connection:close() return else io.stderr:write("Connection Failed!\n") return 1 end