#!/bin/bash echo "Sync Backup!"; if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: sync.sh "; exit 2; fi echo "Source Backup disk name: $1"; echo "Sync target disk name: $2"; echo "Sync source disk name: $3"; echo "Press Enter to Start..."; read; mkdir -p /tmp/a; echo "Syncing..."; cp -f "$3/hsums/$1-gz.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-gz.hash"; cp -f "$3/hsums/$1-tbl.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-tbl.hash"; cp -f "$3/hsums/$1.hash" "$2/hsums/$1.hash"; cp -f "$3/parts/$1.part.gz" "$2/parts/$1.part.gz"; cp -f "$3/tabls/$1.tbl" "$2/tabls/$1.tbl"; echo "Verifying..."; cmp -s "$3/hsums/$1-gz.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-gz.hash"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hash mismatch with $1-gz.hash !"; exit 1; fi cmp -s "$3/hsums/$1-tbl.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-tbl.hash"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hash mismatch with $1-tbl.hash !"; exit 1; fi cmp -s "$3/hsums/$1.hash" "$2/hsums/$1.hash"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hash mismatch with $1.hash !"; exit 1; fi ((sha512sum "$2/parts/$1.part.gz" > "/tmp/a/$1.part.gz.sum") && dd "if=/tmp/a/$1.part.gz.sum" bs=128 count=1 "of=/tmp/a/$1-gz.hash" && touch "/tmp/a/1.complete") & ((sha512sum "$2/tabls/$1.tbl" > "/tmp/a/$1.tbl.sum") && dd "if=/tmp/a/$1.tbl.sum" bs=128 count=1 "of=/tmp/a/$1-tbl.hash" && touch "/tmp/a/2.complete") & until [ -f "/tmp/a/1.complete" ] && [ -f "/tmp/a/2.complete" ]; do sleep 0.1; done; cmp -s "/tmp/a/$1-gz.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-gz.hash"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hash mismatch with $1.part.gz !"; exit 1; fi cmp -s "/tmp/a/$1-tbl.hash" "$2/hsums/$1-tbl.hash"; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hash mismatch with $1.tbl !"; exit 1; fi rm -rf /tmp/a; echo "Finished!"; exit 0;