Change the way hashes for packets are sent and received on the PacketLoader.
Add new utility functions for PacketLoader.
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public final class FragmentationOptions {
* See:
* {@link FragmentSender#setSplitSize(int)}
public int fragmentationSplitSize = 496;
public int fragmentationSplitSize = 448;
* See:
* {@link FragmentReceiver#setNumberOfEmptySendsTillForcedCompleteOrResend(int)}
@ -101,17 +101,16 @@ public class NetMarshalClient implements Closeable {
fragmentMonitorThread = new Thread(() -> {
int ageCheckTime = this.fragmentationOptions.maximumFragmentAge - 1;
while (running) {
int id = -1;
synchronized (this.fragmentationOptions) {
for (int c : fragmentRMM.keySet()) {
if (!fragmentRMM.get(c).plusSeconds(ageCheckTime).isAfter( {
for (int c : fragmentSMM.keySet()) {
if (!fragmentSMM.get(c).plusSeconds(ageCheckTime).isAfter( {
@ -127,8 +126,8 @@ public class NetMarshalClient implements Closeable {
}, "thread_frag_monitor_" + remoteAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + remotePort);
fragmentFinishReceiveMonitorThread = new Thread(() -> {
int id = -1;
while (running) {
int id = -1;
try {
while ((id = fragmentReceiver.getLastIDFinished()) != -1) synchronized (this.fragmentationOptions) {
@ -139,8 +138,8 @@ public class NetMarshalClient implements Closeable {
}, "thread_frag_fin_recv_monitor_" + remoteAddress.getHostAddress() + ":" + remotePort);
fragmentFinishSendMonitorThread = new Thread(() -> {
int id = -1;
while (running) {
int id = -1;
try {
while ((id = fragmentSender.getLastIDFinished()) != -1) synchronized (this.fragmentationOptions) {
@ -23,24 +23,41 @@ import static com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.PacketProtocolInformation.savePa
public class PacketLoader {
protected boolean allowInvalidPackets;
protected boolean oldPacketFormat;
* Constructs a new Packet loader instance.
* If using a digest provider, use {@link #PacketLoader(DigestProvider)}
public PacketLoader() {
this(null, false);
* Constructs a new Packet loader instance with the specified {@link DigestProvider}.
* If using a digest provider, make sure all endpoints use the same algorithm;
* if null, no trailer is created or expected;
* if null, no trailer is created;
* this is ignored if saving / loading packets from byte arrays.
* @param provider The digest provider or null.
public PacketLoader(DigestProvider provider) {
this(provider, false);
* Constructs a new Packet loader instance with the specified {@link DigestProvider}
* and if the old packet format should be used.
* If using a digest provider, make sure all endpoints use the same algorithm;
* if null, no trailer is created;
* this is ignored if saving / loading packets from byte arrays.
* @param provider The digest provider or null.
* @param oldPacketFormat If the old packet format should be used (No explicit hash indication nor length).
public PacketLoader(DigestProvider provider, boolean oldPacketFormat) {
hashProvider = provider;
this.oldPacketFormat = oldPacketFormat;
protected DigestProvider hashProvider;
@ -72,10 +89,51 @@ public class PacketLoader {
this.allowInvalidPackets = allowInvalidPackets;
* Is the old packet format in use (No explicit hash indication nor length).
* @return If the old packet format is in use.
public boolean isOldPacketFormatInUse() {
return oldPacketFormat;
* Sets if the old packet format should be used (No explicit hash indication nor length).
* @param useOldFormat If the old packet format should be used.
public void setOldPacketFormatUsage(boolean useOldFormat) {
oldPacketFormat = useOldFormat;
protected boolean isPacketInvalid(IPacket packetIn) {
return (packetIn == null || !packetIn.isValid()) && !allowInvalidPackets;
* Adds the most significant flag to the given integer.
* @param value The integer to add the flag to.
* @return The integer with the flag added.
public static int addMostSignificantFlag(int value) {
value += 1;
value += Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return value;
* Subtracts the most significant flag from the given integer.
* @param value The integer to subtract the flag from.
* @return The integer with the flag subtracted.
public static int subtractMostSignificantFlag(int value) {
value -= 1;
value -= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return value;
* Reads a {@link IPacket} from a byte array (No digest support).
* If the information parameter is null, this is obtained as part of the reading.
@ -102,8 +160,9 @@ public class PacketLoader {
if (toret != null) {
if (arrayIn.length < 6) throw new PacketException("arrayIn does not have a length header.");
int length = (arrayIn[2] & 0xff) * 16777216 + (arrayIn[3] & 0xff) * 65536 + (arrayIn[4] & 0xff) * 256 + (arrayIn[5] & 0xff);
if (length < 0) length = subtractMostSignificantFlag(length);
byte[] loadArray = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(arrayIn, 6, loadArray, 0, arrayIn.length - 6);
System.arraycopy(arrayIn, 6, loadArray, 0, Math.min(arrayIn.length - 6, length));
if (isPacketInvalid(toret)) toret = null;
@ -131,9 +190,23 @@ public class PacketLoader {
IPacket toret = factory.getPacket(information);
if (toret != null) {
InputStream lIS = (hashProvider == null) ? inputStream : hashProvider.getDigestInputStream(inputStream);
byte[] loadArray = readArrayFromInputStream(lIS, readInteger(inputStream));
if (hashProvider == null || DigestComparer.compareDigests(inputStream, ((DigestInputStream) lIS).getMessageDigest().digest())) toret.loadPayload(loadArray);
int length = readInteger(inputStream);
boolean hasHash = length < 0;
if (hasHash) length = subtractMostSignificantFlag(length);
InputStream lIS = (hashProvider == null || !hasHash) ? inputStream : hashProvider.getDigestInputStream(inputStream);
byte[] loadArray = readArrayFromInputStream(lIS, length);
int hashLength;
if (hasHash) {
hashLength = readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream);
if (hashProvider != null && hashProvider.getLength() != hashLength) {
readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, hashLength);
return null;
} else hashLength = 0;
if ((!hasHash && !oldPacketFormat) || hashProvider == null) {
readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, hashLength);
} else if (DigestComparer.compareDigests(inputStream, ((DigestInputStream) lIS).getMessageDigest().digest())) toret.loadPayload(loadArray);
if (isPacketInvalid(toret)) toret = null;
return toret;
@ -161,7 +234,9 @@ public class PacketLoader {
IPacket toret = factory.getPacket(information);
if (toret != null) {
byte[] loadArray = readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, readInteger(inputStream));
int length = readInteger(inputStream);
if (length < 0) length = subtractMostSignificantFlag(length);
byte[] loadArray = readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, length);
if (isPacketInvalid(toret)) toret = null;
@ -191,9 +266,21 @@ public class PacketLoader {
if (toret instanceof IStreamedPacket) {
int length = readInteger(inputStream);
InputStream lIS = (hashProvider == null) ? inputStream : hashProvider.getDigestInputStream(inputStream);
boolean hasHash = length < 0;
if (hasHash) length = subtractMostSignificantFlag(length);
InputStream lIS = (hashProvider == null || !hasHash) ? inputStream : hashProvider.getDigestInputStream(inputStream);
((IStreamedPacket) toret).writeData(lIS, length);
if (hashProvider != null && !DigestComparer.compareDigests(inputStream, ((DigestInputStream) lIS).getMessageDigest().digest())) toret = null;
int hashLength;
if (hasHash) {
hashLength = readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream);
if (hashProvider != null && hashProvider.getLength() != hashLength) {
readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, hashLength);
return null;
} else hashLength = 0;
if ((hasHash || oldPacketFormat) && hashProvider != null) {
if (!DigestComparer.compareDigests(inputStream, ((DigestInputStream) lIS).getMessageDigest().digest())) toret = null;
} else readArrayFromInputStream(inputStream, hashLength);
if (isPacketInvalid(toret)) toret = null;
} else if (toret != null) {
return readPacket(inputStream, factory, information);
@ -225,6 +312,7 @@ public class PacketLoader {
if (toret instanceof IStreamedPacket) {
int length = readInteger(inputStream);
if (length < 0) length = subtractMostSignificantFlag(length);
((IStreamedPacket) toret).writeData(inputStream, length);
if (isPacketInvalid(toret)) toret = null;
} else if (toret != null) {
@ -286,15 +374,25 @@ public class PacketLoader {
if (writeInformation) savePacketProtocolInformation(outputStream, packet.getProtocol());
if (packet instanceof IStreamedPacket) {
writeInteger(outputStream, ((IStreamedPacket) packet).getSize());
int pLength = ((IStreamedPacket) packet).getSize();
if (hashProvider != null && !oldPacketFormat) pLength = addMostSignificantFlag(pLength);
writeInteger(outputStream, pLength);
OutputStream lOS = (hashProvider == null) ? outputStream : hashProvider.getDigestOutputStream(outputStream);
((IStreamedPacket) packet).readData(lOS);
if (hashProvider != null) outputStream.write(((DigestOutputStream) lOS).getMessageDigest().digest());
if (hashProvider != null) {
if (!oldPacketFormat) outputStream.write(hashProvider.getLength());
outputStream.write(((DigestOutputStream) lOS).getMessageDigest().digest());
} else {
byte[] saveArray = packet.savePayload();
writeInteger(outputStream, saveArray.length);
int pLength = saveArray.length;
if (hashProvider != null && !oldPacketFormat) pLength = addMostSignificantFlag(pLength);
writeInteger(outputStream, pLength);
if (hashProvider != null) outputStream.write(hashProvider.getDigestOf(saveArray));
if (hashProvider != null) {
if (!oldPacketFormat) outputStream.write(hashProvider.getLength());
@ -338,10 +436,10 @@ public class PacketLoader {
public static int readInteger(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
if (inputStream == null) throw new NullPointerException("inputStream is null");
int length = (readByteFromInputStream(inputStream) & 0xff) * 16777216;
length += (readByteFromInputStream(inputStream) & 0xff) * 65536;
length += (readByteFromInputStream(inputStream) & 0xff) * 256;
length += (readByteFromInputStream(inputStream) & 0xff);
int length = readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream)* 16777216;
length += readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream) * 65536;
length += readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream) * 256;
length += readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream);
return length;
@ -368,6 +466,7 @@ public class PacketLoader {
* Reads a byte from an {@link InputStream}.
* See also: {@link #readByteIntegerFromInputStream(InputStream)}.
* @param inputStream The input stream to read from.
* @return The byte read.
@ -381,6 +480,22 @@ public class PacketLoader {
return (byte) toret;
* Reads a byte (In int form) from an {@link InputStream}.
* See also: {@link #readByteFromInputStream(InputStream)}.
* @param inputStream The input stream to read from.
* @return The byte read (As an int).
* @throws NullPointerException inputStream is null.
* @throws IOException An I/O error has occurred or end of stream has been reached.
public static int readByteIntegerFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
if (inputStream == null) throw new NullPointerException("inputStream is null");
int toret;
if ((toret = == -1) throw new IOException("inputStream end of stream");
return toret;
* Reads in a byte array of a specified length from an {@link InputStream}.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import static com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.PacketLoader.readByteFromInputStream;
import static com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.PacketLoader.readByteIntegerFromInputStream;
* This class provides an encrypted packet that can hold an {@link IPacket}.
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public class EncryptedPacket implements IStreamedPacket, IInternalCache {
if (size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size is less than 0");
synchronized (slock) {
if (size < 1) throw new IOException("inputStream end of stream");
int flag = readByteFromInputStream(inputStream) & 0xff;
int flag = readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream);
if (size < 5) throw new IOException("inputStream end of stream");
int cipherLenCache = PacketLoader.readInteger(inputStream);
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public class EncryptedPacket implements IStreamedPacket, IInternalCache {
trailingArrayLengthCache = 0;
if ((flag & 1) == 1) {
if (size < 9 + cipherLenCache) throw new IOException("inputStream end of stream");
trailingArrayLengthCache = PacketLoader.readByteFromInputStream(inputStream);
trailingArrayLengthCache = PacketLoader.readByteIntegerFromInputStream(inputStream);
if (trailingArrayLengthCache < 1) throw new PacketException("trailer length less than 1");
@ -283,19 +283,19 @@ public final class FragmentReceiver {
* Gets whether responses should be verified.
* Gets whether responses should be verified by sending back the payload to be verified.
* @return Should responses be verified.
* @return Should responses be verified by sending back the payload.
public boolean shouldVerifyResponses() {
return verifyResponses;
* Sets whether responses should be verified.
* Sets whether responses should be verified by sending back the payload to be verified.
* If set to false, {@link #setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean)} will be set to false too.
* @param state If responses should be verified.
* @param state If responses should be verified by sending back the payload.
public void setResponseVerification(boolean state) {
synchronized (slock) {
@ -305,19 +305,19 @@ public final class FragmentReceiver {
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
* Gets whether all sent fragments are expected to be verified.
* @return If all sent fragments will be verified to be equal.
* @return If all sent fragments are expected to be verified.
public boolean shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() {
return makeSureSendDataVerified;
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
* Gets whether all sent fragments are expected to be verified.
* Requires {@link #setResponseVerification(boolean)} set to true.
* @param state If all sent fragments will be verified to be equal.
* @param state If all sent fragments are expected to be verified.
public void setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean state) {
synchronized (slock) {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public final class FragmentSender {
private final HashMap<Integer, FragmentOutput> registry = new HashMap<>();
private final Object slock = new Object();
private final Object slockfinish = new Object();
private int splitSize = 496;
private int splitSize = 448;
private PacketLoader packetLoader;
private boolean verifyResponses = false;
private boolean makeSureSendDataVerified = false;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public final class FragmentSender {
* Gets whether responses should be verified.
* Gets whether responses should be verified by checking if they are equal.
* @return Should responses be verified.
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public final class FragmentSender {
* Sets whether responses should be verified.
* Sets whether responses should be verified by checking if they are equal.
* If set to false, {@link #setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean)} will be set to false too.
* @param state If responses should be verified.
@ -271,19 +271,19 @@ public final class FragmentSender {
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified via resend checks for equality.
* @return If all sent fragments will be verified to be equal.
* @return If all sent fragments will be verified via resend checks for equality.
public boolean shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() {
return makeSureSendDataVerified;
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
* Gets whether all sent fragments are verified via resend checks for equality.
* Requires {@link #setResponseVerification(boolean)} set to true.
* @param state If all sent fragments will be verified to be equal.
* @param state If all sent fragments will be verified via resend checks for equality.
public void setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean state) {
synchronized (slock) {
Reference in New Issue
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