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Base64Packet - Class in com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core
This class provides a base64 encrypted packet that can hold an IPacket.
Base64Packet(IPacketFactory, PacketLoader) - Constructor for class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Constructs a new Base64Packet with the specified IPacketFactory and PacketLoader.
Base64Packet(IPacketFactory, PacketLoader, boolean) - Constructor for class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Constructs a new Base64Packet with the specified IPacketFactory, PacketLoader and if the encrypted data should be cached.
Base64Packet(IPacketFactory, PacketLoader, IPacket) - Constructor for class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Constructs a new Base64Packet with the specified IPacketFactory, PacketLoader and IPacket.
Base64Packet(IPacketFactory, PacketLoader, IPacket, boolean) - Constructor for class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Constructs a new Base64Packet with the specified IPacketFactory, PacketLoader, IPacket and if the encrypted data should be cached.
broadcastPacket(IPacket, boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Broadcasts a IPacket.
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