released this
2023-06-15 20:54:21 +01:00 | 0 commits to master since this releaseSecond Release!
Requires dependencies (Compiled libraries provided in binary download):
- Support for testing all available NetMarshals in different modes.
- Support for loading .jks files for SSL testing.
- Supports testing in-band SSL connection upgrades.
- Supports sending and receiving files and messages for testing.
- Listeners support multiple clients.
- Support for sent packets to have hash payloads for verification.
released this
2023-05-23 15:53:56 +01:00 | 2 commits to master since this releaseFirst release!
Requires dependencies (Compiled libraries provided in binary download):
- Support for testing all available NetMarshals in different modes.
- Support for loading .jks files for SSL testing.
- Supports testing in-band SSL connection upgrades.
- Supports sending and receiving files and messages for testing.
- Listeners support multiple clients.