Onthe programming side, I know Visual Basic .net, C# .net, C, Java, Go, Javascript (Circa. 2000 ECMAScript although I am learning the latest version of the language),
Processing and Microsoft Smallbasic (I have also dabbled in C++, Python and Bash/Batch).
I am currently in the progress of writing infrastructure software in Go, in the past, I wrote a <a href="https://github.com/Captain-ALM/CALM-Console">command console</a>
in VB .net for my own pluggable libraries (I created a CMD emulator to get past the school disabling interactive CMD) and some <a href="https://github.com/Captain-ALM/CALMNetLibSamples">
network communication applications</a> (Including a peer-to-peer <a href="https://github.com/Captain-ALM/C-ALM-VOIP">VOIP client</a>
using NAudio as the audio library and my own network wrapper library, however, it is in need of bug-fixing at the moment).
I also <a href="https://subsection.captainalm.com/">bake bread</a> (Mostly learnt from my grandma); although this sub-site is still under construction.
I also play video-games (Check my Youtube Channel or my <a href="https://www.gog.com/u/Captain_ALM">GOG Profile</a>) and am an expert at using lower-end hardware.
My first programming task at City, concluding the 2 week 2021 Programming Bootcamp,
although I have only spent 3 days programming this and was a tad bit too ambitious.
(I could have started earlier though)
This Processing project show that I can use arrays, loops, mouse and keyboard interaction and geometric transforms.
The project contains a GUI library that I made to create the menu system for what could have been the Ninjaformer game.
Unfortunately, while the code for loading tile, sprite and level information exists (JSON, sprite sheet support);
I ran out of time before the submission to actually even start on the game. But you can play around with the main code and build your own GUIs too so...
Here is the repo:<a href="https://github.com/Captain-ALM/Ninjaformer-Processing">https://github.com/Captain-ALM/Ninjaformer-Processing</a>
Here is the repo:<a href="https://github.com/cityteaching/citygame2122-Captain-ALM"><strike><del>Not public due to university anti-plagiarism policy.</del></strike></a>
- name:"Global Game Jam January 2022 : Shadow work"
I may have not done any programming for this (Even though I know C#) but I helped write a good chunk of the background story
(I also helped with the level design although it turns out 48 hours is hard to get polished stuff done in, so some stuff had to be axed).
Read about and get the game files from:<a href="https://globalgamejam.org/2022/games/shadow-work-8">https://globalgamejam.org/2022/games/shadow-work-8</a>
Download the windows executable from:<a href="https://cdn.captainalm.com/download/game/dist/ShadowWorkExecutable.zip">https://cdn.captainalm.com/download/game/dist/ShadowWorkExecutable.zip</a>
The Design Document is available here:<a href="https://cdn.captainalm.com/download/game/design/Shadow-WIP-Story-Info.pdf">https://cdn.captainalm.com/download/game/design/Shadow-WIP-Story-Info.pdf</a>