{{ .GoVersion }} - {{ .ProductName }}

{{ if .FullOutput }}

Less Output
{{ else }}
More Output
{{ end }}

{{ if .FullOutput }} {{ end }}
Product Name {{ .ProductName }}
Product Description {{ .ProductDescription }}
Product License BSD 3-Clause License
Product Location {{ .ProductLocation }}
Build Commit #{{ .BuildVersion }}
Build Date {{ .BuildDate }}
Working Directory {{ .WorkingDirectory }}
Process ID {{ .ProcessID }}
Parent Process ID {{ .ParentProcessID }}

Go Version {{ .GoVersion }}
Go Toolchain {{ .Compiler }}
GOROOT {{ .GoRoot }}
GOMAXPROCS {{ .GoMaxProcs }}
Go Routine Count {{ .GoRoutineNum }}
Go c go call Count {{ .GoCGoCallNum }}

Hostname {{ .Hostname }}
Operating System {{ .GoOS }}
Architecture {{ .GoArch }}
Number of Cores {{ .NumCPU }}
Memory Page Size {{ .PageSize }}
System Time {{ .CurrentTime }}

{{ if and .FullOutput .ListenSettings.Identify }} {{ end }}
Listen Type {{ .ListenSettings.WebNetwork }}
Listening Address {{ .ListenSettings.Web }}
Listening Method {{ .ListenSettings.WebMethod }}
Identifying {{ .ListenSettings.Identify }}
Server Clerie Gilbert
Powered By Love
Friendly True

Template Storage Path {{ .ServeSettings.GetDataStoragePath }}
Served Domains {{ .ServeSettings.GetDomainString }}
Range Supported {{ .ServeSettings.RangeSupported }}

{{ if .FullOutput }}

Enable Template Caching {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.EnableTemplateCaching }}
Enable Template Cache Purge {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.EnableTemplateCachePurge }}
Enable Content Caching {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.EnableContentsCaching }}
Enable Content Cache Purge {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.EnableContentsCachePurge }}
Max Age {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.MaxAge }}
Enable Last Modified Precondition Support {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.NotModifiedResponseUsingLastModified }}
Enable ETag Precondition Support {{ .ServeSettings.CacheSettings.NotModifiedResponseUsingETags }}

{{ range .Environment }} {{ end }}
Environment Variables
{{ . }}

{{ end }}

Number of Registered Pages {{ len .RegisteredPages }}

{{ if and .FullOutput (not (eq (len .RegisteredPages) 0)) }}

{{ range .RegisteredPages }} {{ end }}
Registered Pages
{{ . }}

{{ end }}

Number of Cached Pages {{ len .CachedPages }}

{{ if and .FullOutput (not (eq (len .CachedPages) 0)) }}

{{ range .CachedPages }} {{ end }}
Cached Pages
{{ . }}

{{ end }}

{{ if .FullOutput }}

Less Output
{{ else }}
More Output
{{ end }}