/* This file is (C) Captain ALM Under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License */ const EntryData = [] function SetupJS() { SetupJSTheme() } function CreateEntry(id, name, videourl, videotype, start, end, duration) { EntryData[id] = { name: name, videourl: videourl, videotype: videotype, start: Date.parse(start), end: Date.parse(end), duration : parseInt(duration, 10) }; } function CreateVideoPlaceholder(id) { let imgPH = document.createElement("img") imgPH.src = PlayImageURL imgPH.id = "play-"+id imgPH.alt = "Play Video" imgPH.title = "Play" imgPH.width = 360 imgPH.style.cursor = "pointer" if (document.addEventListener) { imgPH.addEventListener("click", function () {ActivateVideo(id);}) } else { imgPH.setAttribute("onclick", "ActivateVideo("+id+");") imgPH.onclick = function () {ActivateVideo(id);} } document.getElementById("video-" + id).appendChild(imgPH) } function ActivateVideo(id) { let holder = document.getElementById("video-" + id) holder.removeChild(document.getElementById("play-"+id)) let vid = document.createElement("video") vid.controls = true vid.width = 360 let vids = document.createElement("source") vids.src = EntryData[id].videourl vids.type = EntryData[id].videotype let vida = document.createElement("a") vida.href = EntryData[id].videourl vida.innerText = "The Video" vid.appendChild(vids) vid.appendChild(vida) holder.appendChild(vid) if (vid.play) {vid.play();} } function SetupJSTheme() { let th = document.getElementById("theme") th.href = "#" if (document.addEventListener) { th.addEventListener("click", ToggleTheme) } else { th.setAttribute("onclick", "ToggleTheme();") th.onclick = ToggleTheme } } function ReplaceHistory(url) { let s = true if (window.history) { if (window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({}, "", url) s = false } } if (s) { document.location.href = url } } function ToggleTheme() { let th = document.getElementById("theme") let thimg = document.getElementById("theme-img") let thsty = document.getElementById("style-theme") let logo = document.getElementById("logo") let url = document.location.href url = url.split('?', 1) if (document.getElementById("so-theme")) { thimg.src = SunImageURL thimg.alt = "()" th.title = "Switch to Light Mode" document.getElementById("so-form").removeChild(document.getElementById("so-theme")) logo.href = "?" ReplaceHistory(url+"?"+TheParameters) thsty.href = CssDarkURL } else { thimg.src = MoonImageURL thimg.alt = "{" th.title = "Switch to Dark Mode" let thi = document.createElement("input") thi.name = "light" thi.type = "hidden" thi.id = "so-theme" document.getElementById("so-form").appendChild(thi) logo.href = "?light" if (TheParameters === "") { ReplaceHistory(url+"?light") } else { ReplaceHistory(url+"?light&"+TheParameters) } thsty.href = CssLightURL } }