{{ .Data.PageTitle }}

{{ if .Dark }}Light Mode{{ else }}Dark Mode{{ end }}
{{ if .ExtendedShown }}Hide Extended Information{{ else }}Show Extended Information{{ end }}

{{ if (and .ExtendedShown .Queried.Port6) }} {{ end }} {{ if and .ExtendedShown .Data.AllowDisplayActualAddress }} {{ if .Queried.ActualHost }} {{ end }} {{ if .Queried.ActualPort }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Data.AllowDisplayState }} {{ end }} {{ if ne .Data.ServerDescription "" }} {{ end }} {{ if .Online }} {{ if .Data.AllowDisplayVersion }} {{ if .Queried.Edition }} {{ end }} {{ if .Queried.Version }} {{ end }} {{ if (and .ExtendedShown .Queried.ProtocolVersion) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if and .Data.AllowPlayerCountDisplay (and .Queried.PlayerCount .Queried.MaxPlayers) }} {{ end }} {{ if .Data.AllowMOTDDisplay }} {{ if ne .Queried.MOTD "" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .ExtendedShown }} {{ if and .Data.AllowFaviconDisplay .Queried.Favicon }} {{ end }} {{ if and .Data.AllowDisplayModded (gt .Queried.ModCount 0) }} {{ end }} {{ if and .Data.AllowSecureProfileModeDisplay .Queried.SecureProfilesEnforced }} {{ end }} {{ if and .Data.AllowPreviewChatModeDisplay .Queried.PreviewChatEnforced }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
Server Address {{ if .Online }}{{ .Queried.Address }}{{ else }}{{ .Data.MCAddress }}{{ end }}
Server Port {{ if .Online }}{{ .Queried.Port }}{{ else }}{{ .Data.MCPort }}{{ end }}
Server IPv6 Port {{ .Queried.Port6 }}
Actual Address {{ .Queried.ActualHost }}
Actual Port {{ .Queried.ActualPort }}
Server State {{ if .Online }}Online{{ else }}Offline{{ end }}
Server Description {{ .Data.ServerDescription }}
Type {{ .Data.GetCleanMCType }}
Edition {{ .Queried.Edition }}
Version {{ .Queried.Version }}
Protocol Version {{ .Queried.ProtocolVersion }}
Player Count {{ if .Data.AllowPlayerListing }}{{ end }} {{ .Queried.PlayerCount }} / {{ .Queried.MaxPlayers }} {{ if .Data.AllowPlayerListing }}{{ end }}
MOTD {{ .Queried.MOTD }}
Icon Icon
Mod Count {{ if .Data.AllowModListing }}{{ end }}{{ .Queried.ModCount }}{{ if .Data.AllowModListing }}{{ end }}
Secure Profiles Enforced {{ .Queried.SecureProfilesEnforced }}
Preview Chat Enforced {{ .Queried.PreviewChatEnforced }}
Last Update Time {{ .Queried.GetTimestamp }}

{{ if and (and .PlayersShown .Online) (and .Data.AllowPlayerCountDisplay .Data.AllowPlayerListing) }}

{{ if gt (len (.Queried.GetPlayers .Data.ShowAnonymousPlayers)) 0 }} {{ range .Queried.Players }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Player List{{ if .Queried.PlayerCount }} ({{ .Queried.PlayerCount }}) {{ end }}
Collapse Player List
{{ if or .Data.ShowAnonymousPlayers (ne . "Anonymous Player") }}{{ . }}{{ end }}
No Detectable Players.
Collapse Player List

{{ end }} {{ if and (and .ModsShown .Online) (and .ExtendedShown (and .Data.AllowDisplayModded .Data.AllowModListing)) }}

{{ if gt (len .Queried.Mods) 0 }} {{ range .Queried.Mods }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Mod List ({{ .Queried.PlayerCount }})
Collapse Mod List
{{ . }}
No Detectable Mods.
Collapse Mod List

{{ end }}

{{ if .ExtendedShown }}Hide Extended Information{{ else }}Show Extended Information{{ end }}
{{ if .Dark }}Light Mode{{ else }}Dark Mode{{ end }}

{{ .Data.Footer }}