#!/bin/bash # Check if golang exists by the output of "go version" if [ "$(go version | head -c 13)" == "go version go" ]; then echo "Assuming go is installed" # Check location for simple vpn binary if [ -f /usr/bin/simple-vpn ]; then echo "Found \"/usr/bin/simple-vpn\" assuming it is installed correctly" else # Clone github repo echo "Cloning simple-vpn" git clone https://codehub.onpointcoding.net/sean/simple-vpn.git cd simple-vpn # Build and copy binary to bin directory echo "Installing simple-vpn" go build sudo cp ./simple-vpn /usr/bin/ -i cd .. # Remove repository echo "Cleaning up" rm simple-vpn -rf echo "Components installed..." fi else echo "Please install golang before continuing" exit fi