openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Azalea version: 1.0.0 description: 'This is the API endpoint for the Azalea Reverse Proxy. NOTE: Most of the endpoints here can only be accessed internally.' termsOfService: contact: name: Webmaster email: license: name: MIT url: servers: - url: description: Production Endpoint - url: description: Staging Endpoint security: - BearerAuth: [] paths: /http-services: get: summary: List HTTP services operationId: findHttpServices tags: - Proxy Management responses: 200: description: HTTP services response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HttpService" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" post: summary: Create a HTTP service operationId: addHttpService tags: - Proxy Management requestBody: description: Site configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpService" examples: 'Example': value: address: dst_host: dst_port: 8080 responses: 201: $ref: "#/components/responses/HttpServiceResp" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" /http-service/{id}: parameters: - in: path name: id required: true schema: type: integer examples: "Example": value: 5 get: summary: Get a HTTP service operationId: getHttpService tags: - Proxy Management responses: 200: $ref: "#/components/responses/HttpServiceResp" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" put: summary: Update a HTTP service, any valid configuration will enable a disabled HTTP service operationId: editHttpService tags: - Proxy Management requestBody: description: HTTP service configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpService" examples: 'Example': value: address: dst_host: dst_port: 8080 responses: 204: description: Empty updated response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" patch: summary: Update a HTTP service, any valid configuration will enable a disabled HTTP service, an empty patch request enables a disabled HTTP service without modifying it operationId: patchHttpService tags: - Proxy Management requestBody: description: HTTP service configuration required: false content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpService" examples: 'Example': value: dst_host: dst_port: 8080 'Empty': value: {} responses: 204: description: Empty patched response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" delete: summary: Disables a HTTP service operationId: deleteHttpService tags: - Proxy Management responses: 204: description: Empty deleted response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" /http-redirects: get: summary: List HTTP redirects operationId: findHttpRedirects tags: - Redirect Management responses: 200: description: HTTP redirects response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HttpRedirect" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" post: summary: Create a HTTP redirect operationId: addHttpRedirect tags: - Redirect Management requestBody: description: Redirect configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpRedirect" examples: 'Example': value: address: target: responses: 201: $ref: "#/components/responses/HttpRedirectResp" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" /http-redirect/{id}: parameters: - in: path name: id required: true schema: type: integer examples: "Example": value: 5 get: summary: Get a HTTP redirect operationId: getHttpRedirect tags: - Redirect Management responses: 200: $ref: "#/components/responses/HttpRedirectResp" 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" put: summary: Create or update a HTTP redirect, any valid configuration will enable a disabled HTTP redirect operationId: editHttpRedirect tags: - Redirect Management requestBody: description: Redirect configuration required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpRedirect" examples: 'Example': value: address: target: responses: 204: description: Empty updated response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" patch: summary: Update a HTTP redirect, any valid configuration will enable a disabled HTTP redirect, an empty patch request enables a disabled HTTP redirect without modifying it operationId: patchHttpRedirect tags: - Redirect Management requestBody: description: Redirect configuration required: false content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpRedirect" examples: 'Example': value: target: 'Empty': value: {} responses: 204: description: Empty patched response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" delete: summary: Disables a HTTP redirect operationId: deleteHttpRedirect tags: - Redirect Management responses: 204: description: Empty deleted response, Success. 400: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/BadReq" 401: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/UnAuth" 403: $ref: "base.yml#/components/responses/Forb" components: responses: HttpServiceResp: description: http service response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HttpService" HttpRedirectResp: description: http redirect response content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HttpRedirect" schemas: HttpService: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpService" - type: object required: - id properties: id: type: integer description: ID for the HTTP service enabled: type: boolean description: If the HTTP service is enabled NewHttpService: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to access dst_host: type: string description: Destination host dst_port: type: integer description: Destination port secure_mode: type: boolean description: Use secure connection mode ignore_cert: type: boolean description: Ignore internal service certificate HttpRedirect: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/NewHttpRedirect" - type: object required: - id properties: id: type: integer description: ID for the HTTP redirect enabled: type: boolean description: If the HTTP redirect is enabled NewHttpRedirect: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to access target: type: string description: Destination target securitySchemes: BearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT