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savePacketProtocolInformation(OutputStream, PacketProtocolInformation) - Static method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.PacketProtocolInformation
Saves the PacketProtocolInformation of the packet.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionCipherPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionUpgradePacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkIdentifierPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkSSLUpgradePacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentAllocatePacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentAllocationPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentMessagePacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentPIDAKNPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentPIDMSGPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSendStopPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSendVerifyCompletePacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
savePayload() - Method in interface com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.IPacket
Saves the packet payload to a byte array.
sendPacket(IPacket, boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Sends a IPacket.
sendPacket() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Sends the current IPackets from the FragmentReceiver.
sendPacket(IPacket) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Sends a IPacket using this FragmentSender.
sendPacket() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Sends the current IPackets from the FragmentSender.
setAcceptExceptionBiConsumer(BiConsumer<Exception, NetMarshalServer>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the BiConsumer accept exception consumer.
setAllowInvalidPackets(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.PacketLoader
This sets whether invalid packets are allowed to be read and written.
setBase64ed(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionUpgradePacket
Sets if base64 is used.
setCacheUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Sets if the encrypted data is cached.
setCacheUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets if the encrypted data is cached.
setCacheUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionCipherPacket
Sets if the cipher information is cached.
setCacheUsed(boolean) - Method in interface com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.IInternalCache
Sets if the internal cache is used.
setCipherFactory(ICipherFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets the ICipherFactory being used.
setCipherFactory(ICipherFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionUpgradePacket
Sets the ICipherFactory being used.
setCipherFactory(ICipherFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.CALMNETPacketFactory
Sets the ICipherFactory in use.
setCiphers(String[]) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionCipherPacket
Sets the cipher names this packet contains.
setClampedLength(int) - Method in class
Sets a new clamped length value.
setClientAcceptanceBiConsumer(BiConsumer<CandidateClient, NetMarshalServer>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the BiConsumer client acceptance consumer.
setClosedConsumer(Consumer<NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Sets the Consumer closed consumer.
setClosedConsumer(Consumer<NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the Consumer closed consumer.
setDatagramBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the buffer size for sending datagrams.
setDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket) - Method in class
Sets the datagram socket in use.
setDatagramSocket(DatagramSocket) - Method in class
Sets the datagram socket in use.
setDatagramTarget(InetAddress, int) - Method in class
Sets the datagram target InetAddress and port.
setFactory(IPacketFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Sets the IPacketFactory to use.
setFactory(IPacketFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets the IPacketFactory to use.
setHeldPacket(IPacket) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Sets the held packet.
setHeldPacket(IPacket) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets the held packet.
setIfSecretsSent(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionUpgradePacket
Sets if secrets should be sent as part of cipher settings.
setNumberOfEmptySendsTillForcedCompleteOrResend(int) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Sets the number of FragmentReceiver.sendPacket() calls, that return null, to a registry entry are made before the FragmentSendCompletePacket or FragmentRetrySendPacket packets are sent.
setOpenedConsumer(Consumer<NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the Consumer opened consumer.
setPacket(IPacket) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.CALMNETPacketFactoryWithPacket
Sets the IPacket in use.
setPacketFactory(IPacketFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.CALMNETPacketFactory
Sets the IPacketFactory in use (null signifies to use the same instance).
setPacketFactory(IPacketFactory) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Sets the IPacketFactory to use.
setPacketLoader(PacketLoader) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.Base64Packet
Sets the PacketLoader to use.
setPacketLoader(PacketLoader) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets the PacketLoader to use.
setPacketLoader(PacketLoader) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.CALMNETPacketFactory
Sets the PacketLoader to use.
setPacketLoader(PacketLoader) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Sets the PacketLoader to use.
setPacketLoader(PacketLoader) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Sets the PacketLoader to use.
setPacketsShouldBeRead(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Set if IPackets should be read.
setReceiveBiConsumer(BiConsumer<IPacket, NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Sets the BiConsumer receiver consumer.
setReceiveBiConsumer(BiConsumer<IPacket, NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the BiConsumer receiver consumer.
setReceiveExceptionBiConsumer(BiConsumer<Exception, NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Sets the BiConsumer receive exception consumer.
setReceiveExceptionBiConsumer(BiConsumer<Exception, NetMarshalClient>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the BiConsumer receive exception consumer.
setResponseVerification(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Sets whether responses should be verified.
setResponseVerification(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Sets whether responses should be verified.
setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
setSentDataWillBeAllVerified(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
setSocket(Socket) - Method in class
Sets the socket in use.
setSocket(Socket) - Method in class
Sets the socket in use.
setSocketSetupBiConsumer(BiConsumer<Socket, NetMarshalServer>) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalServer
Sets the BiConsumer socket setup consumer.
setSplitSize(int) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Sets the packet split size in bytes.
setStreamPacketsPreferred(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.CALMNETPacketFactory
setStreamPacketsPreferred(boolean) - Method in interface com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.factory.IPacketFactory
Sets if getPacket(PacketProtocolInformation) prefers returning IStreamedPackets if possible.
setTrailingPassword(String) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.EncryptedPacket
Sets the trailing password (Use null for no trailing password).
setUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.core.NetworkEncryptionUpgradePacket
Sets if the packet is treated as a stream upgrade or a change in packet use for EncryptedPacket and Base64Packet.
setupReceiver(FragmentReceiver) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.FragmentationOptions
Sets-up the provided FragmentReceiver with parameters.
setupSender(FragmentSender) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.FragmentationOptions
Sets-up the provided FragmentSender with parameters.
shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Gets whether all sent fragments are verified to be equal.
shouldVerifyResponses() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Gets whether responses should be verified.
shouldVerifyResponses() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Gets whether responses should be verified.
sslUpgradeClientSide(SSLContext, String) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Performs SSL socket upgrades on client side (Use for constructed sockets).
sslUpgradeServerSide(SSLContext) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.marshal.NetMarshalClient
Performs SSL socket upgrades on server side (Use for accepted sockets).
SSLUtilities - Class in com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl
This class provides SSL utilities to create SSLContext and SSLSocket objects using JKS files (Or other supported formats).
SSLUtilities() - Constructor for class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl.SSLUtilities
SSLUtilityException - Exception in com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl
This class provides the SSL Utility exception wrapper class.
SSLUtilityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl.SSLUtilityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
SSLUtilityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl.SSLUtilityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
SSLUtilityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.ssl.SSLUtilityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
stopAllDataVerificationAndCompleteReceive() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Stops data verification for all packets being received when FragmentReceiver.shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() is true.
stopAllDataVerificationAndCompleteSend() - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Stops data verification for all packets being sent when FragmentSender.shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() is true.
stopDataVerificationAndCompleteReceive(int) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentReceiver
Stops data verification for the specified Packet ID when FragmentReceiver.shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() is true.
stopDataVerificationAndCompleteSend(int) - Method in class com.captainalm.lib.calmnet.packet.fragment.FragmentSender
Stops data verification for the specified Packet ID when FragmentSender.shouldSentDataBeAllVerified() is true.
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